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2018LA COMMUNICATION - Lần 1 - HKIHồ, Trung Chánh
2017La communication - lần 1 - HKIHồ Trung, Chánh
2018La Communication - Lần 1 - HKIHồ, Trung Chánh
2018LA COMMUNICATION - Lần 2 - HKIHồ, Trung Chánh
2018La Communication - Lần 2 - HKIHồ, Trung Chánh
2019La Douce Vie Restaurant: PortfolioNguyễn, Hồng Nhật Thy (SVTH);; Phan, Thắng Thái Hoà (GVHD)
2019Labor adjustment costs and asymmetric cost behavior: An extensionGolden, Joanna ,; Mashruwala, Raj; Pevzner, Mikhail
2016Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology: Discovering the Unseen World Through Hands-On InvestigationPetersen, Joan; McLaughlin, Susan
2019Laboratory Experiments on Breaching Characteristics of Natural Dams on Sloping BedsJiang, Xiangang
2019Laboratory Investigation into Early-Age Strength Improvement of Cold Recycled Asphalt Mixture Containing Asphalt Emulsion and CementDu, Yinfei; Kong, Lingxiang; Wei, Tangzhong
2016Laboratory Manual for Introductory GeologyDeline, Bradley; Harris, Randa; Tefend, Karen
2016Laboratory Spectroscopy Assessments of Rainfed Paddy Soil Samples on Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Reflectance for Estimating Soil Organic CarbonHomhuan, Sakda; Pansak, Wanwisa; Lawawirojwong, Siam; Narongrit, Chada
2020Land expropriation in tourism development: Residents' attitudinal change and its influencing mechanismMa, Xiao Long; Dai, Mei Ling; Fan, Daisy X.F.
2018Land Use and Ambient Air Quality in Bahir Dar and Hawassa, EthiopiaKasim, Oluwasinaayomi Faith; Abshare, Muluneh Woldetisadik; Mukuna, Truphena Eshibukule ...
2021Land Use Planning for Natural HazardSkilodimou, Hariklia D.; Bathrellos, George D.
2020Land use suitability analysis of rural tourism activities: Yenice, TurkeyAyhan, Çiğdem Kaptan; Taşlı, Tülay Cengiż; Özkök, Ferah; Tatlı, Hasan
2021Land, Women, Youths, and Land Tools or MethodsChigbu, Uchendu Eugene
2020Landscapes in the Eastern Mediterranean between the Future and the PastIoannis N. Vogiatzakis; Theano S. Terkenli; Maria Gabriella Trovato
2020Languae Testing And Evaluation - GK - HK1 (K23N)-
2004Language An Introduction to the Study of SpeechSapir, Edward