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Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2019M.E.P design for Linh Dam office building: Thuyết minh đồ án tốt nghiệpTrần Thanh Đinh Huy; Lê Hữu Anh Lâm; Trịnh Hoàng Tâm (Students); Lê Hùng Tiến; Nguyễn Duy Tuệ (Mentors)
2020M.E.P design for UOA tower: Graduation thesisLê Hữu Anh Khoa; Huỳnh Tấn Lộc; Ngô Khánh Nguyên, …(Students); Lê Hùng Tiến (Mentor)
2021Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems: Selected papers from the International Conference ML4CPS 2020Beyerer, Jürgen; Maier, Alexander; Niggemann, Oliver
2020Machine Learning in InsuranceJens Perch Nielsen, Alexandru Asimit, Ioannis Kyriakou (editors)
2021Machine Learning Methods with Noisy, Incomplete or Small DatasetsJordi Solé-Casals; Zhe Sun; Cesar F. Caiafa; Pere Marti-Puig; Toshihisa Tanaka
2019Made in the U.S.A.? A Study of Firm Responses to Domestic Production IncentivesLester, R.
2018Magnesium Intake and Human HealthWolf, Federica (editor); Trapani, Valentina (editor)
2020Maintenance Management of Wind TurbinesFausto Pedro García Márquez (editor)
2019Majestic hotel: PortfolioTrương, Khả Tú (SVTH);; Phan, Nguyên Bảo (GVHD)
2019Major Taxation Challenges facing Small and Medium Scale Business Enterprises in TanzaniaMasanja, Ndalahwa M.
2008Making a FireplaceSaylor, Henry H.
2019Making a StINK with STEM in the Classics Classroom: Exploring Ancient Roman Writing through Experimental ArchaeologyRoy, Nathalie
2016Making Medicines in Africa: The Political Economy of Industrializing for Local HealthMaureen Mackintosh; Geoffrey Banda; Paula Tibandebage; Watu Wamae
2021Managed Aquifer Recharge for Water ResilienceDillon, Peter (editors); Escalante, Enrique Fernández (editors); Megdal, Sharon B. (editors); Massmann, Gudrun (editors)
2016Management Accounting – Paper F2, SlideLe Nhu Hoa (modifying)
2018Management by the Numbers: A Formal Approach to Deriving Informational and Distributional Properties of ""Un-managed"" EarningsHemmer, Thomas; Labro, Eva
2019Management control design in long-term buyer-supplier relationships: Unpacking the learning processStouthuysen, Kristof; Abbeele, Alexandra Van Den; Meer-Kooistra, Jeltje van der; Roodhooft, Filip
2020Management fees and hotel performance in the U.S.Hua, Nan; DeFranco, Agnes; Abbott, JeAnna
2015Management Of Informal E-waste Recycling With Special Reference To IndiaNair, Anju; Hari, Neetu
2013Management of recreational parks - Lần 1 - HKINguyễn, Anh Thư